September 2009 - firing photos

Notes from the firing: The Bounty of Benton County visited during the firing and we all got to view the fantastic video Eric Moran made of the wood firing process, the boys spent an entire weekend playing cards!, and as usual, we all thought it was one of the best firings ever.

    previous firing :: April 2009 next firing :: November 2009
wood buildings wood3 wood1
jim chop wood pot [rep loading loading
loading more cards the boys more cards
wood prep firng lauren firing
jay &pat bowzer daisy eric & alex
dinnertime jim & jay pat & pat fire crew
opening the door kiln opening unloading unloading
unloading unloading unloading unloading
jay unloading unloading ash drip








ash drips
jeff & lauren
jay the kiln god!
eric & ted unloading
unloading the kiln
.at the back of the kiln
.behind the side stoke hole
open door.
hank opening door
firing crew
.pat & pat
jim & jay
eric & alex
daisy & linda & Joe
.Bowzer the kiln dog
Jay & pat
firing time
jason & maryanna
wood prep
even more cards
the boys
boys playing cards
loaded kiln
load 2
pot prep.
jim chop wood
wood 2
wood 3